English Will but using Spanish Law so children can inherit
English Will but using Spanish Law so children can inherit.
We have a case where a UK national made a Will choosing English Law, his nationality law. The testator only had a property in Spain, no other assets.
The testator left this property in Alicante (Spain) to his partner only and nothing to his children. This can be done according to English law but not Spanish law. English Law also says that if the Estate is abroad then the Inheritance can be done according to the Laws in the country where the asset is located. In Spain, you are obliged to leave the inheritance to the children and then there is a share that you can leave to anybody.
The children did not agree with the partner getting all the Estate and contacted us. As the only asset of the Estate was the property in Spain, this inheritance will be ruled by Spanish Law, therefore the children have to get a share of the Estate according to Spanish Law.
So if your parents owned a property in Spain and resided in Spain but made a Will leaving the property to somebody else in a Will, we can help you with getting your share of the Spanish Estate. There are precedent and case law supporting this.
Please contact us. We will advise you about your specific case.